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Self-advocacy workshops for LGBTQI+ people who are autistic and/or with a learning disability

Self-advocacy workshops for LGBTQI+ people who are autistic and/or with a learning disability

These workshops will help you become more confident to speak for yourself and learn more about your rights. This can help you to get better support from health and social care services. 
Do you think that health and social care services should be more accessible to you?
Do you feel that health and social care staff don’t understand that you are LGBTQI+ with a learning disability and or autism?
Do you find it hard to tell health and care staff how you feel and what you want?
These workshops can help, you will learn more about:
  • Introduction to advocacy    
  • Listening and communication      
  • Our rights and having a voice       
  • Self-advocacy resources, self-advocating or advocating for someone else 
  • A session with Yorkshire MESMAC, around sex, sexual health, testing, and relationships
We will be having 6 workshops from 26th June to 21st August on these dates
  • Monday 26th June
  • Monday 10th July
  • Monday 31st July
  • Monday 7th August
  • Monday 14th August
  • Monday 21st August
The workshops will run from 1pm to 3pm and will be online using Zoom. We know that workshops online are not accessible to everyone and so we will be offering the same workshops in person at a later date.
The workshop places are for people who have experience of being LGBTQI+ and autistic and/or with a learning disability. LGBTQI+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex.
Monday 26th June - 1pm-3pm
On Zoom
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