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5 Dos and Don'ts for Buying Good Easy Read

A short guide to commissioning high quality, effective Easy Read.



1. Co-produce Easy Read with people with learning disabilities
The best Easy Read for people with learning disabilities is made by people with learning disabilities.

2. Make sure the pictures really reflect what the text is saying
Illustrations drawn specifically for your Easy Read text will communicate the key message most accurately.

3. Involve trained people with learning disabilities
Commission organisations who train people with learning disabilities to quality check Easy Read.

4. Think about what information will be most useful to people with learning disabilities
This way you won’t spend extra time and money on documents that will not get used.

5. Commission an organisation that gives back
Work with an organisation whose work has a positive social impact e.g. employ people with learning disabilities in meaningful roles on equal pay.


1. Think “Anybody can do it”
Good Easy Read comes from organisations that have a thorough design and review process.

2. Commission organisations that only involve people with learning disabilities at the end
Real involvement means shaping the Easy Read from the start.

3. Assume anybody with a learning disability knows how to review Easy Read
It is a skill; trained quality checkers with learning disabilities can advise exactly how to improve your Easy Read.

4. Produce documents that look like you don’t care
A badly designed document will not only be inaccessible, but it will make people feel like they are not valued.

5. Feel like Easy Read is the only option
Communicate your information in the way that works for the people you want to reach. This can mean video or even role plays.

A print version of this guide is available here

Ready to commission Easy Read? CHANGE creates award winning accessible information with trained experts with learning disabilities who are involved at every step. For more information or to see how we can help you, get in touch!
Written by May Simargool
March 1 / 2017
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